A Thousand Husbands

I once saw a poster with the caption, “A Thousand Husbands”. I didn’t get the meaning initially, until my friend who was with me explained that it meant “God is giving away 1000 Husbands”.

I have lots of friends currently in their mid to late thirties who are not yet married, so I decided to find out what the issues were.

I discovered that, for the babes, the guys that usually approach them do not meet their requirements. And what is this requirement? The guy has to be RICH. The definition of a fyn-boiis his pocket. The definition of a husband is his pocket. Even a godly man has to have his pockets full in order to be considered.

The guy that approaches without the right pocket is either too ugly, too short, not the will of God, or my “Mother would not like him” regardless of the nature of his intentions. Even the guys now understand this fact, which is why they do not have the confidence to approach a babe if they think they do not have money. Even if they somehow ginger themselves to approach the babe, the first thing they say is “I’m not rich oh! My papa no be senator…”

On the other hand, the guys with the right pockets need not even utter a word. They simply flaunt their cars and other luxuries. My brother once told me that “true and genuine love, comes with MONEY.” I recently heard something similar: “When there is MONEY, love will come.”

Most guys are not willing to commit without money as they feel that without money in a relationship there would be problems, even with the best of babes. Many babes do not even care if the guy is romantic, emotional, sensitive, educated or good looking. Who needs that if he comes with the right pocket? (na dat one we wan chop?)

All of this leaves me wondering and questioning, can money solve all problems? What happened to small beginnings?

My Father above is reaching out to all the single ladies out there, wherever you are:

“Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)

God’s timing is actually the best and most secure, believe it or not!  Your husband will locate you! Look beyond the surface and you will see him.
1 Samuel 16:7 says: But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature…for the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Most single ladies do not know this, but what you believe is the “ideal man” for you, is only a perception of what society preaches!  Look unto God and you will have a clearer view of what your ideal man is to you! See beyond the surface and you would be amazed at the blessings you see, even in the most unlikely places!

Fall in love with God first, and a thousand suitable, God-fearing men just might fall in love with you!